Long over due workout video 😅 some hammy/ under booty workouts for ya!
warmup was pretty simple just some band exercises with my @jujubandz_ 🦋
•DB RDLS 4×12 (2 sets, up weight for last 2)
•barbell split squats 🔥🔥🔥🔥 these had my under booty on fireeeee! 3×12 each leg
•lunge, rdl, lunge variation with 10 lb plates; I went until failure for these!🔥
•plate back squats w heels elevated🔥🔥🔥 this was another killerrrrrr!! my under booty is sore already 🥴 4×15 make sure you’re pushing up through your heels!
•sumo dead lifts 3×15
Shorts: @pcheebum 😍