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Bruluccas I keep receiving a lot of question regarding my breast implants. I decided to d…

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Bruluccas I keep receiving a lot of question regarding my

I keep receiving a lot of question regarding my breast implants. I 🥳 decided to do it 2 years ago and I would do it over and over again. For me, it was very simple specially because I WANTED. Nobody ever said I should do it. 🙌🏻 I had 400cc and the doctor did the best for MY BODY. We all have different kind of body so overall, I would strongly recommend you to have a very good doctor because you are dealing with your body and health. And also, do not follow standards of beauty because they don’t exist. What is beautiful for me might not be beautiful for you. And at the end of the day, there are no rules. As I said, there is a lot of girls asking me all the time about my surgery and I would love to answer as much as I can for all of you. Just do not forget, there is no rules, you choose to be 🥰beautiful, it’s inside of you, the outside part won’t last long. 🙌🏻💯

Bruluccas Bru Luccas, aka Bruna Luccas, is a famous Instagram fitness trainer and model. She is best known for gaining over 3.3 million Instagram followers. She went viral when barbequing in booty shorts on Instagram

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