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Bruluccas Worlds 1st KEY LIME PIE BANG This transcendent flavor

World’s 1st KEY LIME PIE BANG! 🎉🏝
This transcendent flavor is so revolutionary you can actually taste the pie, then the key lime, followed by the pie crust. 🥧
Key Lime Pie is the most revolutionary and epic @BangEnergy flavor! 👏🤩
Get your #BangEnergy Key Lime Pie TODAY at select Walmart stores or! 🛒
​Follow the inventor of Bang: @BangEnergy.CEO 😎😎
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Bruluccas Bru Luccas, aka Bruna Luccas, is a famous Instagram fitness trainer and model. She is best known for gaining over 3.3 million Instagram followers. She went viral when barbequing in booty shorts on Instagram

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