HII my loves! here’s a hump day workout for ya, follow along with me and tag a f…

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HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya

1595777750 725 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya1595777750 426 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya1595777750 780 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya1595777750 678 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya1595777750 541 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya1595777751 734 HII my loves heres a hump day workout for ya

HII my loves! here’s a hump day workout for ya, follow along with me and tag a friend who you want to do this workout with 😍💚
•Warm up- single leg banded HT pushing up thru your heels SS HT abductors (2 pumps each) •single leg weighted hip thrusts- 3×10 for these, I have been working on hip thrusts for quite some time now and really wanted to isolate heavy today so I used 45s. this is entirely up to you how much weight you would like to use, too heavy and you will end up hurting your back so I don’t recommend doing this weight if your not comfortable. anywhooo your one leg is out for stability and your using the other to push up through your heels and target each glute individually ☺️
•SLDLs- 3×12 pulsing at the top to ensure we don’t lose connection, makes for a great booty/ hammy burn 🔥 •sumo deads- 3×15 again same thing pulse at the top. This is preference really, I feel it way more when pulsing but it’s entirely up to you ☺️
•leg press- 4×15 feet high and close, I started with 2 45lb plates and allowed myself no more than 45 seconds per set. my muscles are used to such long breaks in between sets so I needed to push em a little bit!!
•regular stance squats with a pause in between- 4×10 I didn’t go super heavy with these cause ya girl was getting tireddd 🔥 •ended the workout with abductor machine SS lying hammy curls
Hope you guys enjoyed this hump day, just a few more days til the weekend. 💚💚

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